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school nurse中文是什么意思

用"school nurse"造句"school nurse"怎么读"school nurse" in a sentence


  • 学校护士
  • "school"中文翻译    n. (鱼、鲸等水族动物的)群;队。 a school ...
  • "nurse"中文翻译    n. 【动物;动物学】角鲨。
  • "school nurse practitioner" 中文翻译 :    学校开业护士
  • "at nurse" 中文翻译 :    由保姆领养中
  • "nurse" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.奶妈〔通常叫 wet nurse〕;保姆〔通常叫 dry nurse〕;阿妈 (=nurse-maid);保育员。 2.护士,看护。 3.保护人;培养者;养成所,发祥地 (of)。 4.【植物;植物学】保护树;【虫类】保护虫,保育虫;【动物;动物学】世代交替的无性期的个体。 at nurse 交奶妈领养中。 put out to nurse 托人喂养,寄养。 under a nurse's charge 交给奶妈领着。 vt. 1.喂奶,带养(婴儿、幼兽)。 2.看护,照料(病人)。 3.小心管理;爱惜,小心使用;养;培养;养成,助成。 4.抱(希望等)。 5.〔英国〕讨好(选举区民等)爱抚;抱,搂抱。 6.【撞球】将(球)凑拢。 nurse a baby 喂孩子奶。 nurse a horse (不使过劳地)爱惜用马。 nurse a cat 怀抱着猫。 nurse one's knees 抱着膝盖。 be nursed in luxury 受娇养。 nurse a plant 培养植物。 nurse a hatred 怀恨。 nurse the fire 靠着火不离开。 vi. 看护,照料;喂奶;(小孩)吃奶。 n. 【动物;动物学】角鲨。
  • "nurse-nurse relationship" 中文翻译 :    护际关系
  • "yes nurse! no nurse!" 中文翻译 :    护士骚歌利; 是,护士;不,护士
  • "at school" 中文翻译 :    不管在学校; 在校读书; 在学校, 在上课, 在求学; 在学校;在上学; 在学校上课
  • "at the school" 中文翻译 :    在学校里
  • "be at school" 中文翻译 :    在上学
  • "be in school" 中文翻译 :    在学校学习
  • "in a school" 中文翻译 :    在学校里
  • "in school" 中文翻译 :    在求学; 在学校
  • "it-school" 中文翻译 :    内联网系统
  • "school" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.学校;〔美国〕(大学的)学部,学院;学系;校舍;讲堂,教室。 2.研究所,训练所,养成所。 3.〔不用冠词〕学,学业;上课;功课;授课(时间);学期。 4.全体学生;全体师生。 5.〔比喻〕经验;锻炼所,修养所;学习[修养]环境。 6.学派,(画家等的)流派;派别;(机械等的)型。 7.(牛津大学等的)学位考试科目;〔pl.〕大学毕业考试。 8.(中世纪大学的)学科;学会;〔the schools〕〔集合词〕大学,学界。 9.(哲学家、艺术家等的)门徒。 10.(大学的)讲堂;〔pl.〕(牛津大学等的)考场。 11.锻炼;【音乐】教授规程;【军事】训练(规程)。 a continuation school 职业补习学校;成人学校。 a medical [law] school 医[法]学部[学院]。 an artisan school 技工学校。 a trade [vocational] school 职业学校。 a national school 〔英国〕公立学校。 the chemistry school 化学教室。 a sixth form school 〔英国〕六年级教室。 S- begins at nine o'clock. 九点钟开始上课。 The whole school was punished. 全校学生都受处罚了。 two schools of aviating apparatus 飞行机的两大类型。 after school 下课后,放学后 (I will tell you after school. 下课后跟你讲)。 at school 1. 在学校。 2. 在求学。 3. 在上课。 be dismissed [expelled] from school 被开除学籍。 begin [start] school 开始求学。 finish school 完成学业。 go to school 到校上课;上学去;开始求学。 go to school to (sb.) 受教于某人,跟某人学习,模仿(某人)。 have no school today 今天无课。 in school 在上[求]学。 in the hard school of adversity 经受逆境的艰苦锻炼。 in the schools = in for one's schools (某人)正在考试,正在考(牛津大学)学位考试。 keep a school 办(私立)学校。 leave school 1. 退学。 2. (毕业)离校。 3. 放学回家。 old school tie 〔英国〕毕业后沿用不舍的母校特殊图案的领带;〔转义〕感情用事的地方[怀旧]观念。 put [send] a child to school 送孩子进学校。 school fee(s) 学费。 school pence 〔英国〕小学校的每周学费。 stay away from school 旷课 (=cut school)。 teach school 〔古语〕教学,教书,当教师〔现普通说作 teach in a school〕, tell tales out of school 见 tale 条。 vt. 1.〔罕用语〕给…上学,把…送进学校;在…学习。 2.教,教授;教育,教导,教训;训练,锻炼。 3.约束,克制。 4.训戒。 a well schooled man 受过良好教育的人;有教养的人。 school a horse 驯马。 school oneself to patience 锻炼[养成]忍耐力[性]。 be schooled in war 受过战争训练;富有战争经验。 school one's temper 克制脾气。 He will not be schooled. 他不听人劝导。 n. (鱼、鲸等水族动物的)群;队。 a school of dolphins 一群海豚。 vi. (鱼)成群结队地游,成群前进。 school up 成群游进水面;集在水面附近。
  • "school of" 中文翻译 :    曹洞
  • "their school" 中文翻译 :    他们学校
  • "a bad nurse" 中文翻译 :    坏护士
  • "a doctor and a nurse" 中文翻译 :    一位医生和一位护士
  • "a doctor and nurse" 中文翻译 :    一位医生兼护士
  • "a kind nurse" 中文翻译 :    好心的护士
  • "a man nurse" 中文翻译 :    男护士
  • "a night nurse" 中文翻译 :    夜班护士
  • "a nurse on duty" 中文翻译 :    当班护士
  • "army nurse" 中文翻译 :    女儿楼


  • Telling the school nurse you gave me vodka to help me sleep
  • " by providing contraception on demand , our school nurse
  • " by providing contraception on demand , our school nurse . .
    “按需发放避孕套,我们学校的护士. .
  • From the school nurse
  • Articles on dealing with a depressed parent , having a chronic illness , the role of the school nurse , and so forth
  • After his third year at smeltings , the school nurse informed the dursleys that dudley had to go on a diet , since he had become too large for the smeltings uniforms
  • Apart from regular health talks , it was also suggested to have school nursing services and medical advisory services , comprehensive health services scheme , and periodic health checks
  • Besides being staffed by specially trained teachers , special schools are supported by specialists such as educational psychologists , speech therapists , audiologists , physiotherapists , occupational therapists , school nurses and social workers
  • Kyle ' s mother is carping , anxious , lethally meddlesome ; she takes a stand to raise awareness of conjoined twins , which seems intended just to mortify the person it ' s supposed to help , a school nurse who has a dead fetus attached to her head
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